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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Grendha Shoes Contest

Grendha Shoes, the Brazilian-based line of high-fashion casual footwear from the manufacturer that brought you Ipanema flip flops, is sponsoring a video contest celebrating the season of love.

All you’ll need to do for a chance to be one of the ten lucky winners of a stylish pair of Grendhas (or the hundred who get limited edition Grendha shirts) is record a video of yourself and your honey as you pile on the sweetness.

Follow this simple steps:
  1. Wearing a pair of Grendha shoes, record a video lasting no more than two minutes and featuring you and your significant other in a heart-tickling moment.
  2. Upload your mini-movie to the Facebook fan page of Grendha Philippines between February 5 and March 31, 2010.
  3. Hope the fan page’s online visitors vote your video into the top ten—encourage your friends to vote for you and your guy—then checked for the announced winners on April 19, 2010!

Learn more about Grendha and its partner stores in the country from the Grendha Philippines Facebook fan page or Visit Shop Crazy to learn more.


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